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Below you can find more information about our school

From the desk of Chairperson

Principal's Message

Smt. P. Usha

"Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man" - Swami Vivekananda.

"Destiny of India is constructed in her class rooms" - Kothari commission.

Geetha strongly believes that these quotes are the base for Quality education - Quality education means the students should be able to think, communicate, and conduct with determination acquired through class wise and subject wise components. Development of these skills in child is the duty of school and this has to be done by the teachers. The school should realize its duties and subsequently the teachers must change themselves in performing roles and responsibilities. Knowledge is believed in information. Remembering and retrieving that knowledge has become ultimate objectives in classrooms. The main aim of exams is to test the quality of that memory but not the competencies those to be developed in learning of the subject.

The children should learn meaningfully. They should construct their knowledge and utilize it in daily life situations. Learning should not confine to classroom but it should encourage the children to "research, explore, reflection through activities of projects". It is thus believed that the children are knowledge constructers and the teachers should transform their teaching strategies so that the children can construct knowledge by "critical teaching - learning".